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The holidays are here, and I am not looking forward to being around my unpredictable relatives and friends.

Writer's picture: Janice JonesJanice Jones

Updated: Jan 22

Does that sound familiar? It is supposed to be the happiest time of the year; but unfortunately, for many, having to cope with the foul behaviors of family, loved ones, and colleagues can be quite stressful due to behavior patterns that are controlling, domineering, condescending, yearning for attention and acknowledgment, and are abusive. These individuals demand that it be done their way or it's no way. They are intolerant of mistakes and must micro-manage every minute of the day, event, activity, and functionality of others.

Everyone has trauma from their past, that if not dealt with, becomes drama. The result of such drama is detrimental to those in a relationship with the individual. We all have experienced this in some way or fashion within our marital, work, family, social, or church relationships.

Many turn their closeted pain into a self-medicated and unrealistic methodology to achieve a realm of perfection that they have determined will cause them gratification if create an atmosphere that belittles others. In addition, they feel it is to their advantage to insist that others perform at an optimal level according to their standards. The Type A perfectionist personality pressures others, is competitive, easily offended if not gratified or given complete attention, is condescending toward others if their expectations are not met, and provides a micro-management relationship style.

Remember, WM teaches that the flow of spiritual movements in our lives begins with the heart; which feeds the spirit; and then the mind is addressed. The mind then creates thoughts that become words; these words become actions which form habits that develop the character; which will take us to our destiny - heaven or hell.

Considering the proceeding, it is of sincere importance that the inner man within all of his heart be addressed.

Our Heavenly Father and God is indeed perfect. However, perfection is not unforgiving, demanding, demeaning, and hurtful.

On November 9, 2024, 11:00 AM - 2:00 PM EST, WM will present the Personality Type-A (PTA)A God's Way Seminar. This is a spin-off from the Narcissism Deliverance Seminar (NDS) from April 2024.

This is a virtual event hosted on Zoom.

I look forward to seeing you there and delving deeper into the Type A personality and God's perfectionism.

-Pastor Janice L. Jones

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