SSCHAPE Initiative
We SSCHAPE lives through:
Servant hood, Training, Mentoring, Motivation – for the community and youth (provide scholarships and opportunities for self-improvement).
Share the Wealth – training, seminars and follow up programs to teach individuals investing strategies.
Celebrate Life – event planning, mental health awareness, healthy life style promotions (mind, body, soul).
HHT Awareness/Advocacy – support training, testing, research for a cure in association with Cure HHT, Baltimore, MD whom Ms. Jones currently contributes blog postings.
Advocacy - ADA, Title VII, Disability - legalities of EEO, housing, and medical coverage.
Proverbs 31 School of Ministry/Development for the generationally poor and disadvantaged (men are encouraged and welcomed to attend).
Esther School of Ministry/Development for the lady and woman about God’s submission (walking beside not behind) her headship and the ability to save her family and community. Discovering best practices for existing in a spiritual realm of holistic Biblical foundation for true God-marriage, God-family and God-relationship (men are encouraged and welcomed to attend).
*HHT – Hereditary Hemorrhagic Telangiectasia.